Thursday, September 2, 2010

Betta Fish

For starters, let me say these fish make good pets. they are pretty and cheap to care for. Just don't keep them in pairs!

Betta Fish (or Siamese Fighting Fish) in males are beautiful, but aggressive. If kept in pairs they WILL fight. If their is an enemy male around, the fish will show a threat display. He slows down and puffs up his gills to try to scare the other away. If the other fish doesn't retreat they fight.

When a male is ready to mate he builds a nest of bubbles. he then shows his colorful fins to a female. If she is impressed, they mate. After the female lays the eggs, the male chases her away and gently places the eggs in his nest. He then guards them till they hatch, then loses interest in the them and swims away.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to note that the Males in some species are the caretakers.
