Sunday, December 12, 2010


Albinism is a natural disorder that happens to an animal due to lack of pigment in the skin. The skin of an albino animal is white, and the eyes may be pink or red. Check out these pictures!


I just want to say, I think wallabies are one of the CUTEST animals ever!!!!Wallabies are members of the kangaroo family, so they're marsupials. Fun Fact: just like kangaroos, baby wallabies are born small(they then go to the pouch), and are called joeys. Wallabies are small, and the biggest species is only 6 feet long. when wallabies are attacked, they can balance on their tail, and deliver powerful kicks with their legs. also when in danger, a wallaby might use its tail. Wallaby tails are long and strong, and are used for balance and propping themselves up when they sit, but the Nail Tailed Wallaby also has a sharp growth at the end of its tail that can be used for protection. I think wallabies are SOOOOO cute and I wish it was legal to have them as pets(not like my mom would let me)


Sorry guys! I had some technical problems, so i haven't posted anything for a while. I'll get right to it.